


now offering CFT

craniosacral fascial therapy

ithe only practitioner n the portland area

I’m Mason Smith

CFT & Bodytalk Practitioner

I have been certified in numerous modalities for 10 years and been holding an active practice for over 7 years.

Like most of the people in the healing world, I was propelled into this work through my own healing journey. Mine started in early childhood as I learned to navigate the world as a very sensitive human. Energy medicine quite literally saved my life more than once and has drastically improved my quality of life over and over again. (like healing auric migraines + saving my life from a near death experience).

I am certified in Advanced Bodytalk and Body Intuitive which after being in the healing world for the majority of my life, I have found that they are unmatched in thoroughness, potency and efficiency.

A peek into my practice

where bodywork meets traditional chinese medicine

  • CFT stands for Craniosacral Fascial Therapy. It is the understanding that the craniosacral system and the fascial system are in fact NOT separate and are indeed one cohesive system. This simple fact is why this work is so powerful. Most people work with one or the other and receive lackluster results.

    The fascia is the connective soft tissue that not only surrounds and encapsulates every organ, endocrine and body part + system but is also beautifully interwoven. You can’t work in the body without working on the fascia.

    The fascia can get tight and constrict the flow of cerebrospinal fluid which halts healing and detoxing and creates the ripple effect of dysfunction in the body. We want the brain slowly expanding and contracting which gently moves all the fluid through the body. We feel better, we think better, we heal faster and we feel grounded and clear. To do so, we unwind the tension in the fascia throughout the body and allow the body to realign.

    Let me be very transparent: I do not do CFT without the foundation of Body Talk (TCM roots). The emotions, memories, trauma (emotional + physical) and belief systems is what created the fascia to tense up. We address the root cause everytime as we release the tension but finding the imbalance, validating it, feeling it, integrating it and releasing it.

  • Bodytalk is an incredibly precise energy medicine modality that is here to revolutionize healing. Our bodies store unprocessed experiences, memories, emotions, traumas and Bodytalk allows us to find where they are stored and release them to create harmony.

    I like to say that BodyTalk is a blend of acupuncture without needles that ALSO addresses the why beneath the imbalance.

    Bodytalk doesn’t see you as a simple entity but rather the true complex, every evolving human that you are. It helps us identify the story that is creating the imbalance that you are experiencing (whatever that is). Anything from migraines, digestive issues, anxiety, depression, etc. These imbalances are not coincidental nor unhealable. When we take the time to speak to the body and unravel it all, the body will naturally go back into homeostasis because that is what it is always looking for.

    You have innate wisdom in your body. Bodytalk allows us to tap into it and ask “how can I help you?” and “what are you trying to tell me?” and “tell me everything, I am listening.”

    Bodytalk creates a space where mind body meet with the alchemy of ancient wisdom such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and modern science advancements. It is truly the future of medicine. One where we get to the true root cause and release at the deepest level. Not with guesswork but precision and understanding the connection between Mind, Body, Spirit and the physical, emotional and energetic bodies.

    Bodytalk reminds us that we have the power to heal when we listen. It reminds us we are not victims to our bodies but rather co creative partners with it.

    I am highly certified in Advanced Bodytalk which leaves nothing out or questions. We can go deep into different brain structures or we can work with the organ systems and their respective consciousness. We can uncover repressed memories that will free us from suffering. We can work on the hydration of the body and tap back into thriving. But we don’t do any of this randomly, we are working thoroughly and uncovering why .hese things need to be brought into balance. Bodytalk gives us the why.

“You are an extraordinary, extraordinary coach, healer, and practitioner. Extraordinary. I never have to question you because you're so solid. When you're fully on, you are not distracted. Whenever you open your mouth Mason, I am listening because there is value there. I want to thank you for your focus.. it’s as if all of your molecules are facing front when you work. I deeply feel it and value it and it is of a potency that I have not found elsewhere.”

— Dr. Amron Bevels

You have innate wisdom in your body.

This work allows us to tap into it and ask:

“how can I help you?

“what are you trying to tell me?”

“tell me everything, I am listening.”

This work doesn’t see you as a simple entity but rather the true complex, every evolving human that you are. It helps us identify the story that is creating the imbalance that you are experiencing (whatever that is). Anything from migraines, digestive issues, anxiety, depression, etc.

These imbalances are not coincidental nor unhealable. When we take the time to speak to the body and unravel it all, the body will naturally go back into homeostasis because that is what it is always looking for.

Free Bodytalk Session

Free Bodytalk Session

Never underestimate what can happen when you tap into the frequency of hope.

I strongly believe that hope is one of (if not the) most powerful energy that we can harness. Hope is the fuel for miracles, hope is the magic feeling that helps everything fall into place. without it.. life feels lackluster, flat, and stagnant.

So I did a beautiful collective session to help restore the channels of hope in the body. A gift for you!


10 years in the field + 7 years of active practice

craniosacral fascial therapy

I am trained in The Gillespie Approach CFT which is the most profound level of bodywork you can find. It is grounded in the understanding that the Craniosacral System + the fascia web are not separate from one another.

With CFT, we are focusing on unwinding tightness and tension in the fascial web which opens up and optimizes the flow the cerebral spinal fluid. With an open system, the brain and body are nourished and able to detoxify and heal.

Learn more

bodytalk + body intuitive

BodyTalk is the most powerful energy medicine modality available to us right now.

It is truly a state of the art approach to integrative mind/body medicine by combining Western medicine's scientifically supported research in fields such as neuroscience, epigenetics, and psychoneuroimmunology along with a large number of highly recognized ancient and modern healing methods and principles of knowledge. Such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, consciousness studies and energy psychology.

The most brilliant alchemy of East & West medicine.

Body Intuitive is a powerhouse of a modality that bridges the gap from the modern science medicine world to the ancient understandings of the eastern medicine world. Think of it as the 21 century science working alongside of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Learn more

remote + local work

My practice is currently open for both new and returning clients.

I am working in a naturopathic office in downtown Vancouver, Wa!

Not local to the PNW? My practice is also online and you can receive sessions from anywhere in the world and have access to the recording for life!

This work reminds us that we have the power to heal when we listen. It reminds us we are not victims to our bodies but rather co creative partners with it.